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HOMES Nani International KOREA As for the Korean real estate HOMES NaviHOMES Nani Internatinal��KOREA

Property types and features
Apartments are some of the most sought out properties by foreign residents, because they offer the most security. Currently, over 55% of Seoul is comprised of apartments. In addition to the already mentioned security, inexpensive utility costs and overcrowding have contributed to investing in apartments. Areas with numerous apartments include Gangnam, Yeouido, Ichon, Mokudon and Bundang.
Shared administrative expenses (basic management fees)
Personal expenses
- Interior/exterior cleaning costs
- Prices for apartment security fees
- E/V maintenance and shared electricity costs
- Special repair costs
- Fire insurance
- Garbage handling costs
- Other expenses
Heating and gas fees
Internet fees
Electricity fees
TV viewing fees
Water fees
※Consultations about properties larger than 80m2 require an administrate fee of 70,000 won.

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High-rise buildings comprised of studio apartments have recently seen sudden growth in Gangnam. Smaller than a regular apartment, they offer more affordable rent although slightly more expensive administrative costs. The advantages of officetels include increased security over villas and multi-family buildings, and they generally offer good, centralized locations. In addition to residential use, officetels can also be used as small offices. Recently in South Korea, the market for buying officetels as investments has been souring. Areas with numberous officetels include Gangnam, Mapo and Jamsil.
Shared administrative expenses (basic management fees)
Personal expenses
- Water fees
- Basic phone fee (E/V, etc.)
- Security fee
- Interior/Exterior cleaning costs
- Other expenses
Heating and gas fees
Internet fees
TV viewing fees
Electricity fees(when it is not included in the basic management fees)
※Consultations about properties larger than 80m2 require an administrate fee of 100,000 won.

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A villa is a building about five floors high, with living spaces ranging from studios to three rooms, and with relatively good security and inexpensive rent and administrative costs. They are suitable for people possessing their own furniture. Villas sometimes have a general lack of security compared to other property types. Recently, newly constructed villas are being fitted with security gates that are linked to security companies to ensure crime prevention. Areas with numerous villas include Gangnam and Yongsan.
Villa(Multi entrance house)
Shared administrative expenses (basic management fees)
Personal expenses

Costs vary building by building, so please refer to the cost breakdown when you create a contract.
Cost breakdown
-Interior/Exterior cleaning costs
-E/V maintenance costs as well as hallway, stairs, and shared electricity costs
-Security costs
-Other expenses

Heating and gas fees
Internet fees
TV viewing fees
Electricity fees
Water fees
※Consultations about properties larger than 80m2 require an administrate fee of 100,000 won.

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4.Multi-family buildings
A multi-family building, like a villa, is about five stories high, with residences ranging from studios to three rooms, and with relatively inexpensive rent and administrative costs. They are suitable for families or single people possessing their own furniture. Like villas, these buildings also tend to lack security and are often noisy and therefore not very popular with some foreigners. Areas with numerous multi-family residences include Gangbuk and Gandong.
Villa(Multi home)
Shared administrative expenses (basic management fees)
Personal expenses
There are many cases when there are no shared expenses in multi-family buildings.
Heating and gas fees
Internet fees
TV viewing fees
Electricity fees(when it is not included in the basic management fees)

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Residences are said to be 'like a hotel but with very homey rooms where you can relax,' and they often include restaurants, gyms, conference rooms and other hotel-like services that altogether create a very modern living situation.

Expect residences to have advanced security like that of a high-class hotel, and discreet services from management; the staff will go to great lengths to make sure their tenants have a pleasant living experience.

Even still, the costs are considerably cheaper than those of an actual hotel.

Villa(Multi home)

→ HOMES Navi cooperative special services in residences

24-hour security service, computer rental service, laundry delivery service, basic cleaning service, newspaper and magazine service, visitor memo service, wake-up calls service, domestic and international telephone service, cable TV service, personal schedule service, airport taxi service, parcel-delivery service, guest waiting room service, linens service, business support service, mail storage service, rental car booking service, and translation and tourist info service

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HOMES NAVI International KOREA ACE TOWER3 #902,Iui-dong 1286,Yongtong-gu, Suwon-city, Kyunggi-do,16229 Korea
TEL: +82-31-5186-6066 FAX: +82-31-995-5969

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