KOREA・・Bundang area・ Housing for rent information HOMES Navi International KOREA

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Rented accommodation

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Bundang area Housing for rent Number of available rental properties 163
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Display number
Property Address Closest station On foot(minutes) Area
Year built Rent
(10K won)
Security deposit
(10K won)
Maintenance fee
(10K won)
Short-term lease
Room layout
Contract type
Building type

Detailed display
精子洞 精子駅 10 75 2004 220 3,000 17 OK 4LDK

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精子洞 精子駅 10 85 2003 200 3,000 18 OK 4LDK

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汝矣島 汝矣島駅 15 235 2000 305 3,050 454 OK 1LDK
Office building

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唐朱洞 光化門駅 3 178 2000 318 3,180 64 OK 1LDK
Office building

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汝矣島 汝矣ナル駅 8 264 1992 320 3,200 520 OK 1LDK
Office building

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HOMES NAVI International KOREA ACE TOWER3 #902,Iui-dong 1286,Yongtong-gu, Suwon-city, Kyunggi-do,16229 Korea
TEL: +82-31-5186-6066 FAX: +82-31-995-5969

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